How Long After Excused Jury Duty Do You Get Summoned Again

T wo years ago a reader contacted Guardian Money after beingness summoned for a 4th time to serve on a jury. At present he has been called up again – and wonders if five trips to the jury box is something of a tape.

Robert Smith*, 64, says he has enjoyed his previous stints in courtroom and sees it equally his civic duty, which he is proud to undertake. But it has left him scratching his head as to why he is chosen then frequently.

Enough of people go through their lives never existence summoned; others are chosen repeatedly. Is option really, as the government says, entirely random, or is something else at work here?

In 2015 at that place were 361,300 juror summons issued in England and Wales, merely the number who actually sat on a jury was simply 179,200. With the two nations having a total population of 57.eight million, it means the chances of serving are relatively slim. The Ministry of Justice declined to give figures on the likelihood of being summoned, but a BBC Scotland analysis found that the probability of existence asked to serve is merely 40% over a lifetime.

That makes Smith's five summons very rare. The MoJ says that if you are called within two years of the last time you served y'all have an automatic correct to be excused. Smith'due south latest summons is almost exactly two years after his last.

Numerous theories grow on the net as to why some people are called to serve and others not. Some believe they are blacklisted because they accept an Irish heritage (dating dorsum to IRA terrorism days), or that they were in one case a member of CND. Others believe a letter to the courts suggesting you are a "hanger and flogger" will get you off the hook. Some reckon they accept been picked because they take been at the same accost or aforementioned task for years on end and are a conservative, reliable type.

The reality is rather more than boring. The Jury Central Summoning Bureau (JCSB) randomly chooses names from the balloter register. Information technology is under no requirement to call people who are a representative cross-section of society – which is why, in theory, information technology is possible to have juries which are entirely male person or female. Co-ordinate to the MoJ, no attempt is made to rest gender, age or ethnicity. It is as random as the prize number generator for premium bonds. Some people hold premium bonds all their life and win nada, others win once more and again.

Smith says those summoned should prize the experience. "I found it really interesting. Some days it can be immensely frustrating, other days rather boring, and sometimes it's very harrowing. I run across it every bit a citizenship thing – that is, a duty for those called – and should be a source of pride. Sometimes it can make you doubt your fellow citizens, but equally I've been with 12 men and women expert and true, and they have been an absolute pleasance to work with."

Smith acknowledges that he has been 23 years at the aforementioned accost, but he adds that his commencement summons was at an earlier accost in another London borough. It means he has seen the inside of more than crown courts than most career criminals.

Ironically, earlier Smith became semi-retired he worked in HR, and would regularly write messages to the courts asking for an employee to exist excused from jury service. "I worked in a big bank, and some staff were nether huge pressure level. Frequently it wasn't them but their managers who would insist that they could not spare the 2 weeks out of the function."

Dorsum in the 1980s and 1990s such messages worked, but today the courts are less peachy to excuse people. "They gradually got much tougher about it because everyone was doing it. You can sympathise why – I think the problem was that juries started to be largely made up of retired people and the unemployed."

Actually, the figures for excusals remain relatively loftier: of the 361,300 summons in 2015, 27% were excused – up i pct betoken on the year before.

Some people are automatically excluded from a summons. Y'all're not wanted if you lot're over 70 or under 18. Neither can you serve if you have been in prison in the past 10 years. But other than that, you'll demand a "good reason" why you lot are unavailable for the side by side 12 months, otherwise yous will just be deferred and chosen over again at a later on date.

Grounds for excusal include:

You tin can't speak or understand English

You lot have responsibilities equally a carer

Your excusal would crusade "unusual hardship" for your business concern

You are a member of the armed services and your absence would be prejudicial to the efficiency of the service

Most other excuses are treated as reasons to defer, non to avoid, jury service. It used to be the case that "officials" such equally law officers, MPs and judges could gain automatic excusal, just those days are gone – police officers who know a particular court well are only sent to be jurors at other courts outside their working area, while MPs are allowed to avoid jury service in their constituency merely volition be expected to nourish elsewhere. You can even find yourself on a jury sitting next to a guess. They are only excused if they are known to parties involved in the trial. Other than that, they have to plough up, too.

Much more than usually, you can delay jury service simply only one time, and you have to say when you will be available over the next 12 months.

The main grounds for deferral are:

Yous accept a holiday booked

Y'all are having an operation

You are a instructor and it is examination time

You are a taking a temporary job (eg a academy student during summertime) that you'd lose if forced to nourish courtroom

The most common complaints nearly jury service come from young mothers and the self-employed. Mumsnet forums are alive with complaints from mothers with pre-school children. "The accompanying bumf says they pay £32.47 per day for whatsoever childcare costs incurred … round hither that would but about pay for three hours' worth of babysitting," says one, while another says, "I merely completed eight days of jury service (in Scotland) and, despite having three pre-schoolers, I was not excused."

The Good Wife
Don't expect an episode of The Good Wife, with jurors challenged by fancy lawyers. In Britain, the court clerk will select 12 out of the 15 potential jurors at random. Photograph: CBS Photo Archive/CBS via Getty Images

The £32.47 is the fee paid by the courts as expenses to jurors who serve four hours or under, for 10 days or fewer. The figure rises to £64.95 for more than than iv hours a twenty-four hour period, and so goes up the longer the example lasts. The courts will also pay £v.71 a day for nutrient and drink.

Many self-employed argue that £64.95 is hardly enough to cover their losses and, what's more than, the person has to provide prove of loss of earnings before the sum is paid out. Last year, enquiry by Churchill Home Insurance found that one in xx employers refused to pay their staff if they undertook jury service, while a third stopped afterwards five days. At that place is no legal obligation for firms to pay employees while on jury service.

Boredom is perhaps a bigger issue for many who are called up. Much of the fourth dimension a juror spends in crown courtroom is in a room waiting to be chosen. The MoJ is trying to tackle this, saying its "juror utilisation charge per unit" has rise past 12% since 2006 to around 71%. But that still means a lot of people spending a lot of time twiddling their thumbs.

Typically, jurors are required to be available for 10 days, but sometimes longer. The MoJ says: "The court will always call more people than may be needed to ensure they have enough people when the juries are beingness picked. Near jurors are chosen for approximately 10 working days. During this time y'all could sit on a number of juries covering a wide range of trials; withal this cannot be guaranteed."

If you are called for a trial, 15 of yous volition be led into the court room, with 12 eventually selected. But don't expect an episode of The Practiced Wife, with jurors challenged by fancy lawyers. In Britain, the court clerk volition select 12 out of the xv potential jurors at random to sit on the jury. Only and so volition you find out if you are on a fascinating trial or something rather more dull. And don't always recall about skipping service – a juror in Leeds who failed to turn up at court, saying "I can't be bothered, information technology's really boring", was arrested for antipathy of court, while some other was fined £100 for filing her nails and reading a magazine while hearing a case. The judge called her behaviour "disgraceful".

* Robert Smith is not his real name


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