What Can You Do With a Structural Engineering Degree

Cover image attribution: Robert Kneschke via Adobe Stock (File # 84153130 )

Before I founded Engineers Ascent LLC, I worked as a structural engineer. As someone who has taken a non-traditional career path, I am often asked about possible career paths for engineers. Well-nigh often, this question comes from college students considering their major, college seniors looking for their outset jobs, and professionals who don't love their current office and want to make a alter.

Many engineers start with the pre-conception that they take limited options. I tin't tell you how many times an engineer has said to me:

"I take this technical part which I savour, but I need to become into management since that'southward the only way to move up."

"I'm not excited about the technical work I'm doing, merely I don't want to go into management. I guess this field isn't for me."

Your options are only limited if you want them to exist. The skills you lot've learned as an engineer are valuable in many dissimilar areas. You could become into a unlike field, or wait for a comparable job at a different company if where you are working is not a good fit for you.

But, you could also explore a number of different options where you get to use your training, trouble-solving skills, and analytical prowess in a slightly unlike chapters, all without going back to schoolhouse or working for peanuts.

This weblog details x possible career paths in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Civil Applied science, and Architectural Engineering communities. Many of these will apply to other types of engineers besides.

None of these options are theoretical. I have either personally taken some of these paths (#ane,#2, and # 10), or know engineers who have. I am married to an engineer who took an alternating path equally well, so this is an area I've done a lot of inquiry in every bit the ii of us explored various options.

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Option one: Design/consulting for a structural engineering or civil engineering firm

This can have many forms and the type of work is variable depending on your geographic location and your expanse of specialty. In my area of the country (PA), engineers that pattern bridges Simply blueprint bridges. Engineers that design buildings (usually) but design commercial buildings, or just design residential buildings.  Very few do all these things well, so if yous get into consulting make sure you pick a house that has the blazon of projects that will keep you lot engaged long- term.

Experiences of engineers working in consulting vary as much every bit people do; if you lot go the consulting route and you don't like your first job, be sure to try a few other firms. Often, it'southward only a thing of finding the house that's the right fit for you lot. This sector is what many would consider a "traditional" road, only tin be suitable for any type of engineering personality. If y'all notice the correct firm (this is key!!!!), most engineers tin thrive in this surroundings.

Selection 2: Pattern/consulting for an compages firm

I went this route immediately subsequently college (before going to option #i above three years in). I worked in the structural engineering department of an ENR 100 architecture firm. This was fabled exposure to truly agreement what the client wants and understanding the holistic process of putting a building together since you are literally sitting side by side to architects (who became my clients when I went to work in a type #1 house).  I accept never been invited to so many owner meetings in my life, which in one case over again is crawly exposure to non merely what architects want, just what clients want too.

Based on my own experience and in talking to other engineers who went this path, you should be enlightened that many architecture firms treat the engineering department as an ugly stepchild. Business firm leadership is frequently 100% architects, who may or may not prioritize things like staying on the cutting border of technology. You should be aware that task openings for engineers working in the architecture firms that do have a reputation for existence on the cutting edge volition be fiercely competitive and will require extra endeavor on your part.

If you know early on on that you may want to go into management, business concern development, or are because starting your own consulting house down the road, getting this perspective will exist invaluable later in your career. Similar to option 1, most engineering science personality types can thrive in this environment if they find the correct firm.

Choice 3: Work for a Contractor (and no, I don't mean a Freelancer, although we'll become to that i also.)

Some large building and infrastructure contractors hire engineers. Some have visualization departments (the ones that specialize in BIM/3D modeling) that include both edifice engineers and computer engineers. If you are interested in construction direction roles, this is your route. This option is also considered one of the more lucrative opportunities bachelor right out of school if your degree is in a construction-related field (civil engineering or architectural engineering).

However, if you want to go your PE in the future, I will advise to become a blueprint route first because you must work nether the directly supervision of a PE in order to sit for the PE exam.  It is much more hard to get to construction commencement, then back into design if you were to change your mind, than to get the opposite route. Most of my friends who went the construction route ended up staying there, and most do not take PE's. It's simply not necessary if you lot are planning on spending your unabridged career in this area. This sector attracts extroverted engineers, as you will be working closely with other people virtually of the time.

Option 4: Academia

You'll need a PhD for this to NOT turn into a expressionless-terminate path, just if you are willing to become that actress teaching, there are enough of engineers who enjoyed research and/or teaching so much that they either went directly to academia or they worked for a year or ii and then went dorsum. You tin can't beat out a tenure track position for job security, nonetheless competition is fierce (even in engineering), and non-tenure track positions don't typically pay also as other options. You'd besides need to get good at writing grants and be OK with the bureaucracy prevalent throughout higher education.

If you honey enquiry or teaching, and don't heed bureaucracy this is a bully path for you. Yous'll find all types of engineering personalities here. I know many educators and researchers who absolutely dearest their jobs, although from what I empathise the path to tenure is very difficult, and in some institutions is peppered with decision-makers who come from old-school models of work-life balance (aka the person seeking tenure has a stay-calm spouse who is covering everything at dwelling house). For the engineering ladies, please talk to someone who has gone this route to acquire nearly the realities of having children and tenure if you are considering this choice!

Personally, I was a TA in college and considered going this route. The deciding cistron for me was that I knew the hierarchy would get to my independent spirit somewhen, and I wasn't loving what I heard from women who were seeking tenure (they had no life exterior of work while this was going on). I also loved the teaching aspect merely not the research part, which ruled out all major inquiry universities. And then, the downsides outweighed the upsides for me personally. Anybody is different, which is why it is so important to explore the path most suited to you!

Option five: Government

For civil engineers, this includes working at a DOT (Department of Transportation), a local municipality, or even NASA. Many types of engineers are employed at places like NASA, DOD or Defense force Contractors. I'k non going to go into detail here; there are plenty of other websites where you lot can explore those options, and jobs are posted publically.

Many applied science personalities can exercise well here, and I know engineers who thrive in this sector, besides equally ones who tried it for a curt fourth dimension and quickly went back to blueprint or some other option because it didn't suit them at all. The ones who thrive savour the admission to the immense resources the government offers, especially when it comes to defense, enquiry, and development. Others who thrive savour the challenges of public policy. You won't observe that level of resources, or the potential impact the public in whatever other option, particularly in civil or architectural engineering science which is notorious for the general lack of R&D throughout the manufacture.

For me, the time I've spent writing the paragraphs for this pick encompass the entirety of time I've personally considered this one. Bureaucracy and chains of control are non my cup of tea.

Option six: Applied science-associated vendors or non-profits

In my industry, examples include ASCE, ACI, AISC, SWE, Engineers Without Borders, Side plate, Hilti, Simpson, etc......There are many many more than which I haven't listed here.

2 of my friends (and a number of engineering acquaintances I've run across recently) left design work to pursue this choice. Task functions often include technical engineering support in that they answer questions from other practicing engineers. Some of these types of jobs require much more travel than design consulting, which can exist good or bad depending on your preferences. Some of these positions require you to do sales and marketing, and are much more limited as to the amount of engineering science you are doing day-to-day. Every engineer I know who has gone into this area I would consider to be a "people-ish" person. They aren't necessary extroverts, simply they enjoy talking to and meeting with people.

Option 7: Engineering Blueprint for a few years, then move into software

My husband is a civil engineer who went this route; I know at least iv other structural engineers that went this mode, multiple ceremonious engineers that went this style, and I doubtable in that location are engineers in nigh every industry - especially outside of calculator engineering - who are making a lucrative living here. All of the engineers I know in this expanse worked in blueprint for a few years. They aren't reckoner engineers or coders by training. They generally stayed in the area of their engineering degree until they got blueprint experience and their PE.

Then, they went to a software company. In the new role, they generally act equally a liaison between the engineering users (which they used to be) and the computer engineers doing the programming (who know computers, only don't know the engineering industry from the user perspective). Their engineering license, and the fact they have experience using a particular software as an engineer, gives them immense credibility to the applied science users.

These engineers (at least the ones I know) range from "people-ish" to full on extroverts. They enjoy talking to engineers who use software. They enjoy trouble-shooting bug, and in some cases they take on a sales or training role also. They also tend to exist personality types that can think quickly on their feet and thrive in a faster-paced, innovation-focused environment than your "standard" applied science firm.

Choice 8: Engineering Design for a few years, and so move into Management or Training

Engineers firms accept many levels of managers. Some engineers excel in project direction, while others are excellent business strategists and aspire to rise upwards the ranks to run an already-established engineering firm. Withal others have knacks for specific soft-skill areas such as business evolution, developing leaders, mentoring, or public speaking.

There is besides an entire sub-industry in engineering related to continuing education. Engineering technologies change quickly, and you'll quickly go obsolete if yous don't go on up. To address this issue, large engineering science firms may have in-house continuing educational activity departments run by engineers. For one example, I have a friend who is in charge of the grooming department for ane of those firms, and moved from design to projection management and and so into her current role.  People skills are a must for this career path, and design experience is normally required.

Pick nine: Piece of work for an Institutional or Manufacturing Client

In the structure industry, many large institutional clients such as oil and gas companies, manufacturing facilities, hospitals, and universities have their own in-house applied science departments to handle or oversee their technology needs. Engineering is NOT their primary function, simply these companies accept establish information technology more economical to take in-business firm engineers as opposed to hiring out.

For a specific example, I live in a college town where in that location are many engineers working for the facilities, maintenance, or It departments at the academy. They are all considered back up staff to the university, so well-nigh have a Bachelor's degree only. Daily tasks are more often than not of the project-management diversity, and some previous design experience was required when they were hired. People will movement here specifically for those jobs due to the work-life balance (typically meliorate than most individual-industry firms), chore security, and benefits such as major tuition discounts for yourself and your family.

This pick attracts engineers comfortable with people, and hierarchy can exist a challenge. Pay and hours tin can vary greatly; for some of these jobs yous'll go paid a lot and exist expected to be "on-call". In others, you'll be paid less than other technology jobs, but you accept regular hours and great benefits. Just similar any of the other options, there are trade-offs and yous need to determine which works all-time for y'all.


Selection 10: Start a side-hustle as a freelancer…..and so turn your successful freelance gig into your own full-time business

Entrepreneurship is "sexy" right now, and it's perceived to be a scrap more glamorous than it is. The reality is that most successful entrepreneurs are in their late xxx'southward or 40'due south and have had some experience in their areas of expertise earlier starting their own companies. Well-nigh entrepreneurial "overnight successes" are 10 years or more than in the making. Unless you lot've got savings and/or someone else willing to pay for your living expenses until your business becomes assisting, the smartest route to entrepreneurship is NOT quitting your chore and starting a company.

Instead, showtime with a freelancing side gig, and grow it until you have substantiated your entrepreneurial idea with plenty income to permit you to stop working for someone else. Apply the income from your engineering science job to back up your side gig, similar I did as I was writing and publishing She Engineers.

You must be focused and you lot may have to requite up whatever binge-watching of Netflix temporarily, but information technology's far less risky with many huge potential upsides, fifty-fifty for your employer. Looking to learn business skills? There is no better way to learn quickly than past starting your own side-hustle where you are responsible for everything, fifty-fifty if all it is when you starting time is your own blog or YouTube channel.

Starting your own business is the riskiest option of all………….but potentially the virtually lucrative, and much less risky if y'all offset a side concern showtime as I suggest. There are enough of ways to both make sure your business organization is viable and acquire the skills you'll need to do well every bit an entrepreneur while you lot are working every bit an employee, but that's a discussion for another blog.



You have a lot of options. How do you lot choose? Let me make this easy for you lot by giving you two simple rules to follow:

Rule #1: If you are early on in your career (students, I'thousand talking to y'all!) and you are at all uncertain of your path (which is almost of us!), get into blueprint offset (either #i or #2).

Why design start? I'll give yous 4 reasons:

ane.      Even if yous know yous don't desire to be in design forever, it keeps the most options open up to you lot long-term. Many non-design options either crave design experience equally a pre-qualification.

2.      If earning your professional person engineering (PE) licensure is required in your field of applied science (civil engineers I'm talking to y'all!), the design road is the all-time road to get your PE the fastest. You are required to have a PE sign off on your piece of work experience in order to sit for the licensure exam, so if you lot become into a non-blueprint pick in which your managing director is not a PE, finding PE references can be extremely difficult. Information technology'south not a matter of asking someone y'all know with a PE to sign off on this, a PE must sign a form saying they have direct knowledge of your work.

three.      Pattern is the hardest one to go into if y'all've gone somewhere else start. Information technology's much easier to get from very technical design to a less-technical area. Personally, I know of no engineers who've gone the other way. That's non to say they don't exist…..I simply don't know any.

4.      Blueprint is (ordinarily) more lucrative starting out than most of the other options (except Option 3).

Rule #ii: If you take a few years' (or more) feel and don't dearest your current part, it's time to explore your options. It'due south never too late to do something different.

No one – not your peers, your managing director, or employer – expects yous to stay in the same role (or fifty-fifty the same firm) for your unabridged career. Sometimes engineers are fortunate to notice a company that allows their office to grow with them at their first job, but this is extremely rare. For the majority of engineers (including me!), nosotros need to try a bunch of dissimilar roles and/or companies before we notice ane that fits.

To figure out which pick is best for you, consider the things you beloved about your current function. Are there any activities that yous'd be thrilled to be doing all day long (long dejeuner breaks don't count)? Can you kickoff doing more of those immediately? If not, can you detect some other path that allows you to do more of what you enjoy?


Sometimes, it's not the role you don't similar, it'south the company. If yous no longer are excited well-nigh a role you used to find enjoyable, it may exist time to observe a like job at a different firm. Why are y'all no longer relish your office? If information technology'due south merely the instance that you no longer feel challenged, a similar job elsewhere may exist right for you. Or, if you lot're in an surroundings with a non-supportive manager (the micromanager, or an environment that isn't supportive of your professional person growth), you are encouraged to discover a new job or manager before your career stagnates.

In dissimilarity, what if you've NEVER enjoyed a item function? What if there are limited opportunities to spend at least 60% of your twenty-four hour period doing what you enjoy most on your electric current path? What if the thought of doing something similar at a different company turns your tummy? What if you look at the daily activities of your boss (or dominate'south boss), and yous have absolutely no interest in following in those footsteps ten or twenty years from at present? In those cases, it'south likely fourth dimension to explore an alternate option than the 1 you are currently traveling.

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So that'south the engineer career option circular up. It'due south important to understand that some engineers stay in i pick their entire careers, while others move between options. It'south fifty-fifty more important to understand that options that may work for y'all at one stage of you career don't necessarily work in other stages. Y'all can outgrow a function, or even a firm. If that'southward you, I desire you lot to know that's not but completely OK, but it's expected. Y'all aren't doing yourself any favors by being loyal to a firm that'south not supporting your connected growth.

I want to hear from YOU! Tell me which options you want to know more nearly!

Desire to know more most any of these careers? Post which one you desire to know nigh in the comments below, and we'll do a deep dive into the topic with engineers who have gone into some of these areas.


Source: https://www.engineersrising.com/blog/top-ten-career-options-for-engineers

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